The story of Vertex Pest Solutions begins in 1998.
It is 4:30 a.m. and a lone man is sitting in a truck in a nearly empty grocery store parking lot.
Now this isn’t as nefarious as it sounds: the man is a pest control technician nearing the finish of an overnight shift.
Now you may never have worked graveyard, but you’ll have to take our word when we tell you that you have a LOT of time to think about things. All kinds of things . . .
Baseball—you think about baseball. You listen to the radio. You think about what you hear on the radio. You think about the past and the future. You think about what you’re going to have for breakfast when your shift is done.
And, if you are this particular pest control technician, you think about what it would take to build a better pest control company.
Kurt Rennels was that man and Vertex Pest Solutions was that company.
Kurt imagined a company where the bottom line was about value and loyalty: delivering the best service for the lowest price while forming lasting relationships with clients and employees.
In short, he imagined a company that got things right.
Vertex Pest Solutions started with a single truck and an owner whose vision, sense of optimism and hardcore determination to succeed created a company now in its second decade of providing the kind of service residential and commercial clients should expect from their pest control provider.
Welcome to a company that gets things right. Welcome to Vertex Pest Solutions.
“Yesterday afternoon, my bakery manager lost the 2 karat diamond out of her wedding ring. We looked everywhere, dug through trash, etc., all to no avail. Needless to say, she was heartbroken.
This morning we were serviced by Wayne Courtney of Vertex Pest Solutions. During his inspection, he found Nadine’s diamond and returned it to her. To say that she was overjoyed would be the understatement of the year.
I just thought I’d share this story with you because it is a fine testament to this individual’s honesty and integrity, and it speaks highly of the type of individuals servicing our stores. If you would please pass this on to the folks at Vertex with our deepest thanks, the team at #726 would be very grateful.
Wayne Courtney made someone’s day and he has a fan for life in Nadine.”
-Laura Trojan, Ralph’s Store 726